Breast milk is the best food for babies. Breast milk should be given exclusively during the first 6 months of baby's life and it is recommended for two-year-old children, with the appropriate complementary feeding. Infant formulas can be provided upon a recommendation of the medical personnel, only when the mother was unable to breastfeed.
Breast milk is the best food for babies. Breast milk should be given exclusively during the first 6 months of baby's life and it is recommended for two-year-old children, with the appropriate complementary feeding. Infant formulas can be provided upon a recommendation of the medical personnel, only when the mother was unable to breastfeed.
SGM Bunda Pro-gress Maxx dengan kandungan tinggi zat besi (High Iron) dan nutrisi penting lainnya dapat membantu kebutuhan nutrisi harian Bunda & si Kecil di masa hamil dan menyusui.
SGM Eksplor Progress Maxx dengan IronC*. Susu untuk anak dengan kombinasi zat besi dan vitamin C.
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