Media Information
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Are you a journalist, publisher, or media communications professional ?
We are here to answer any questions you may have related to news group / data, interview requests, partnership requests.
Arif is the Division Head of Corporate Affairs at Sarihusada. He is responsible for designing, promoting, and protecting the reputation of the company through various means of communication. As Head of Communication Division, he oversees the Division of Internal Communications, Media Relations Division, Division of External Relations and Corporate Social Responsibility Division. Arif is also responsible for managing and handling various communication-related matters associated with the company and all brands under the company.
PT. Sarihusada Generasi Mahardhika
RDTX Place Lt. 5-9
Jl. Prof. DR. Satrio Kav. 3,
Kel. Karet Kuningan, Kec. Setiabudi,
Jakarta Selatan, 12940.
Our planet is faced with a pandemic that affects all of us. In this difficult context, every day, Danone's teams demonstrate exceptional commitment in all the countries where we are present and are united for the same cause: to protect our supply chain so that we can continue providing you with medical nutritional and nutritional products for mothers and children.
Our top priority is to ensure the safety of our 100,000 employees around the world as well as that of our partners.
Everywhere, our brands are committed to providing concrete local solutions to this unprecedented crisis.
Never has our ‘One Planet. One Health’ vision been more relevant. It calls upon us to do everything in our power to maintain our operational capacity in order to satisfy the needs of as many people as possible.
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